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International Baccalaureate Programme

What is International Baccalaureate?

International Baccalaureate, or IB, is a framework for teaching and learning that focuses on the essential skills for building confident and globally focused learners and exploring with students how and why they are learning, which means that students are prepared to be successful in whichever path they choose after high school.  An essential focus of the IB’s mission is that all stakeholders in students’ education are “working together to make a better, more peaceful world through education.”  

In partnership with Roberts Academy, Dater High School hosted a Verification Team from the IB January 31 - February 2nd of 2024.  As a result of that verification visit, Dater High School and Roberts Academy were authorized as International Baccalaureate World Schools to offer the Middle Years Programme.             

How does IB work at Dater? 

  • All students in grades 7-10 are part of the Middle Years Programme or MYP
  • Students take a Design class, which engages students in the process of designing and creating solutions to real world problems in order to develop critical, creative, and reflective thinking skills, which will be valuable throughout and after High School
  • Students explore which World Language they would like to take in 7th grade (French, German, Japanese, or Spanish) and study that language through the 10th grade or until they reach proficiency in that language
  • Classes focus on building the skills necessary to be successful in that course, across disciplines, and in future coursework
  • Students are challenged to take ownership over their learning through engagement in the process of self-reflection, self-assessment, and self-advocacy
  • 10th grade students participate in the MYP Personal Project, which is a research project rooted in students’ own inquiry and interests.  Students decide their own learning goal, research process, product, and success criteria, and are supported by a supervisor throughout the year to complete and reflect on their project, which will be displayed at a Personal Project showcase at the end of the 10th grade year. 
  • Learning is focused around skill building, critical and creative thinking, international mindedness, and growing a culture of respect for all. 
  • While IB Programmes are rigorous, teachers at Dater are extensively trained to use the International Baccalaureate framework to enhance district curriculum and course content to both meet the expectations of an IB Education and facilitate student success. 

Questions or concerns about the International Baccalaureate Programme at Dater High School can be directed to our Programme Coordinator, Andrew Dalton, at

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